Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities part 4 Breathe, Affirm & Meditate

1. Abdominal breathing
Abdominal breathing is the Home Spa Day activity that helps you relax the fasted since it is the fastest way to counter the body’s stress response. 

2. State Scriptural Affirmations
Say your affirmations and spiritualize this Home Spa Day activity by selecting Scriptural affirmations that are specific for your stressful situation and that are in the present tense so that you can use them to fight negative thoughts and feelings since the Word of God is the Sword of the Spirit. (Ephesians 6:17) 

3. Christian Meditation
Program time for this medical Home Spa Day activity into your schedule so that you can meditate within your heart and be still (Psalm 4:4) because meditation is a very effective relaxation technique. 

For more on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa

Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities part 3 Steam bath, Manicure & Massage

1. Steam bath
If you have a sauna in your home schedule around 15 minutes to experience physical and mental relaxation as you sweat in the hot room. 

2. Manicure and pedicure
Manicures and pedicures are nurturing Home Spa Day activities. Strip off all traces of old nail polish with an acetone free remover and then soak your hands and feet in lukewarm water with soothing lavender essential oil. 

3. Massage
A massage is a just what the doctor ordered type of Home Spa Day activity. Therefore, schedule around 1 hour for a massage to reduce muscular tension so that you can relax. 

Article adapted from Rules of Relaxation. 
For more information on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa Party

Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities part 2 Prayer & Aromatherapy Baths

1. Prayer
Praying is a perfect activity for a Home Spa party for even Jesus departed to a solitary place to pray. (Mark 1:35) Therefore, depart to a solitary area to pray privately for a few minutes.

If you are perplexed by problems, ask Him what you should do like Paul did (Acts 9:6) and He will point in the right direction for His word promises us that if we lack wisdom, and ask God, we will be given the wisdom we need. (James 1:5)

If you have yet opened your heart and life to Jesus, this is also the perfect time to do so for He wants to come in and help you manage your stressful situation for He says, Look, I am knocking on the door and if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him. (Revelations 3:20)

So open your heart and life to Jesus by turning away from your sins and declaring that Jesus is Lord and believing that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) Let Him in and He will give you His peace for He assures us that in Him we may have peace but in the world we will have tribulation. (John 16:33)

2. Aromatherapy Baths
Taking a warm bath can help you relax for the warm water loosens stiff muscles. 

Up the ante by adding a few scoops of scented bath salts and bath oils with relaxing lavender essential oils to the bath water to calm tense minds and wash way dirt and distress

Boost the tranquil experience by bathing in the warm glow of beeswax candles while listening to soothing background music as chamomile essential oil diffuses in the room. 

Conclude this awesome Home Spa Day activity by wrapping yourself in comforting body creams to rejuvenate your skin and soothe your psyche for Ointments and perfumes delight the heart. (Proverbs 27:9) If you are pregnant, consult an aromatherapist before using essential oils.

Adapted from Rules of Relaxation.
For more information on Home Spa activities visit Christian Home Day Spa Activities.


Journalling is a very flexible Home Spa Day activity as you can journal while luxuriating in you languid bath or while hanging on a hammock or you can schedule a specific time to sit and write. There are seven things you can do during your journalling time. These include:

1. Pinpoint your specific stressors so that you can manage them and pray over them more effectively. Determine if your stress springs from an internal source such as your thoughts and behavior or if it is an external one such as your boss or school.

2. Jot down your feelings writing without censoring as it is very effective catharsis. Write until you feel the oppressive weight of unmentionable hurts lifting from your chest.

3. Unburden yourself by casting all you cares upon Jesus because He cares for you. (1 Peter 5: 6-7) Cast the burdens that have lifted of your chest to Him in prayer and ask Him to intervene even in those which you have not dislodged from your life. 

4. Spend time consciously forgiving the people who are stressing you and give them to God as you release them from your mind so that you can move forward with your life.

5. Count your blessings on paper by reminding yourself of all the great things that God has done for you in the past week, month, year, decade and let these activities serve as proof that He is still able to do other great things for you regardless of your present situation.

6. Write God's purpose for your life and then ponder if you are fulfilling it. If you don’t know your life’s purpose, recognize that it involves serving others by doing something that you love while using your gifts and talents.

7. Keep your journal close by throughout your spa day so that you can jot down any retreat insights that will enter your mind as the tensions leaves.

For more information on Home Spas visit Christian Home Day Spa Activities

This article has been adapted from Rules of Relaxation 


 There are 5 things that you can do to make your home spa a place where you can relax mentally. These include:

1.  Ensure the home spa is a private refuge where you can let down your guard and relax. If you do not have a room that is totally yours, plan to use another room in your home as your personal sanctuary when the other members of your household are not using it.

2. Clear the clutter from you at home spa because clutter creates a chaotic environment which makes it difficult for one to relax. Declutter your home spa space by throwing away or giving away all the things in that room that you do not need or use to your relatives, friends, a children's home or any other charity or throw them away. Store the useful items tidily in beautiful containers.

3. Beautify the home spa space with curtains or drapes or wall hangings in a gentle green since the color green is said to impart a sense of calm.

4. Experiment with a blue bulb of the right wattage to light your home spa room since blue is said to be mentally soothing. Better still, enjoy the gentle glow of soy candles instead of the harsh glare or electrical lights.

5. Silence noise in your spa space by since high levels of background noise can also impair relaxation by turning down the TVs, radios and music systems and using ear plugs. Consider buying sources of white noise to cancel out the irritating ones.

Adapted from Rules of Relaxation

For more home spa tips visit Christian Home Day Spa Party Activities.



There are 10 things that you can do to make your at home spa a place where you can relax physically. These include:
1. Clean the home spa room by scrubbing and scouring to get rid of any dirt or grime which may make you uncomfortable.

2. Add a chair with cozy cushions to the home spa so that you can have a place to sit on to unwind. If you have a choice, choose cream upholstery for it is said to be a comforting color.

3. Diffuse sweet smelling essential oils such as lavender and geranium to snuff out odours from the home spa room.

4. Burn soy or beeswax candles with cotton lead-free wicks that are scented with pleasant essential oils to banish stench from your home spa space.

5. Eradicate environmental stress from your at home spa space by fixing the dripping tap, clogged drain, moldy bathtub, jammed door, draughty window or any other irritation that may hinder total relaxation.

6. Improve the air quality in your home spa room by habitually opening the windows everyday to let in fresh air and especially when using industrial cleaning chemicals. Prohibit smoking in your home and keep live plants indoors as they take in the carbon dioxide you exhale and give out oxygen thus helping improve the air quality. If possible, use natural cleaning agents.  

7. Dim lighting stress in the home spa by using natural light as much as possible, use lamps with lampshades to reduce the glare avoiding electrical bulbs that are either too dim or too bright or that shines directly into your eyes.

Adapted from Rules of Relaxation

For more home spa tips visit Christian Home Spa Day Party Activities