Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities Part 6 Listen, Bond, Celebrate & Bask

1. Listen to music
Music has the power to pacify, soothe and raise your spirits. Therefore, tune out your stressors by listening to slow tempo tunes.

2. Bond
Bonding through sharing is another emotionally strengthening Home Spa Day activity. Therefore, take time to bond with your loved ones since two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor and if one falls, their companions will lift them up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) 

3. Celebrate
Consider celebrating your bond or concluding your spa day with this fun Home Spa Day activity. Bring out the chilled fruit juice and toast yourself to a fruitful future.

4. Bask
If the weather permits, apply sunscreen and head off to enjoy the sun’s rays since exposure to sunlight increases the levels of serotonin in your body which imparts a feeling of calmness, relaxation and emotional well being. 

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.