Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Course

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Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Courses Online Description
The Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management is one of the simplest stress management courses online. This course teaches you how to manage stress using easy to learn relaxation techniques. It also helps you teaches you how to establish daily morning and evening as well as weekly relaxation routines so that you can incorporate these relaxation techniques into your lifestyle.

This Relaxation Routines for Stress Management online course consist of 3 lessons with informative notes and videos. Each lesson ends with optional review questions and practical applications.

It is also one of the self paced stress management courses online and therefore it will not stress you with deadlines. Links have also been provided for additional information and to to help you obtain some of the items discussed in the course.

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Courses Online Objectives
1. Learn the benefits of practicing relaxation techniques regularly
2. Learn how to perform 10 simple relaxation techniques
3. Learn how to establish daily and weekly relaxation routines

Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Courses Online Outline
Lesson 1
Benefits of Practicing Relaxation Techniques

Lesson 2
Top 10 Relaxation Techniques

Lesson 3
Establishing Relaxation Routines


Relaxation Techniques for Stress Management Courses Online Excerpt
Benefits of Relaxation Techniques
Relaxation techniques are a central component of effective stress management since they can counter the body’s stress response by activating its relaxation response and thus reduce the symptoms of stress that may develop when someone is in a stressful situation.

As a result, relaxation techniques are very beneficial to the body as they are able:
1. Lower blood pressure
2. Lower the heart rate
3. Lower the respiration rate
4. Reduce muscle tension
5. Improve concentration
6. Help one sleep better
7. Release endorphins help a person feel good 

Top 10 Things To Do To Prepare For The Home Spa Day Party Part 1

There are 10 things that you can do to prepare for the perfect Home Spa Day Party. These include:

1. Schedule the Home Spa Day Party on a day when you are totally free from all commitments so that you can focus on yourself and on relaxing without distracting responsibilities. You can do that by:
• Taking official leave for that day from your job
• Making advance child care and elder care appointments

2. Prepare a list of the activities you will engage in during the Home Spa Day Party. These can include:
• Journalling
• Taking an aromatherapeutic bath

3. Prepare a list of the items you will need for those Home Spa Day Party activities. These can include:
• A journal and pen for journaling
• Chamomile essential oil, bath salts, soothing music CDs, beeswax candles and towels for the aromatherapeutic bath

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.

Top 5 Benefits Of Creating A Home Spa

The top 5 benefits of creating a Home Spa include:

1. A Home Spa helps prevent physical illnesses
Physical stress related illnesses are more likely to develop when one goes through long periods of uninterrupted stress. Taking regular relaxation breaks in your Home Spa therefore reduces your chances of developing these illnesses.

2. A Home Spa helps prevents mental burnout.
A Home Spas encourages you pull aside and rest your engine for a few hours as your recharge your batteries. It stops you hurtling down the highway of life until you hurt yourself and mentally burn out.

3. A Home Spa offers a private refuge
A Home Spa provides you with a private refuge in your “public” home where you can go and lick your public wounds in private.

4. A Home Spa is a budget friendly spa
It costs much less to retreat into your private sanctuary than to check into a day spa.

5. A Home Spa is always open
You do not need to make detailed bookings and advance appointments for a relaxation session. All you need to do is to check into your bathroom and close the door.

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.

Top 5 Characteristics Of The Perfect Home Spa

The Home Spa is a vital component of any stress management program. This is because when life is stressing you and treating you badly, you need to counter the stress by treating yourself very well. 

The Home Spa enables you to do this by providing a place where you can pamper yourself privately. In so doing, the Home Spa also helps you side step the medical and behavioral illnesses that arise from uninterrupted stress.

The top 5 characteristics of the perfect home spa that you should take into consideration when creating your own home spa are:

1. The Home Spa should be a private refuge.
Choose a room within your home or part of a room where you can retreat for some alone time behind closed doors. If you can’t claim the entire room to yourself, partition it for privacy. If you can’t claim the entire room to yourself all the time, designate the time when that certain “public” room within your home becomes your “private” refuge. 

2. The Home Spa should be a place where you can relax physically.
Therefore, choose a room where you can rest and refresh your physical body. To modify an existing room for physical relaxation, you can:
• Add a chair with comfortable cushions in comforting cream
• Rid your spa space of environmental stress by fixing the clogged drain, moldy bathtub, jammed door or any other irritation as it may hamper relaxation.

3. The Home Spa should be a place where you can relax mentally.
Therefore, choose a room where your mind can rest. To modify an existing room for mental relaxation, you can:
• Get rid of clutter because it creates chaos making it hard for one to relax. Give away the things you don’t use to charities and friends or throw them away. Store the valuable items in cute containers.
• Decorate your spa space with curtains or wall hangings of lush green landscapes
since green is said to bring a sense of calm.

4. The Home Spa should be a place where you can recharge spiritually.
To modify an existing room so that if becomes a spiritual sanctuary, you can:
• Add a table for your Bible, prayer books and meditation CDs.
• Bring speakers into the room so that you can listen to soothing songs and meditation
CDs as you relax in there.

5. The Home Spa should fit into your budget.
To ensure your Home Spa fits into your budget you can:
• Choose products that are in your price range so that they do not stress you financially
• Save to buy pricier items

Finally, after creating your perfect Home Spa, schedule personal pampering time to enjoy it. Isolate at least one hour each week when you can isolate yourself and take care of your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well being. Choose the time of the day when you are least likely to be disturbed.

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.

Tips How To Make The Home Spa Spiritually Rejuvenating

There are 8 things that you can do to make your home spa a space where you can be spiritually rejuvenated. These include:

1.  Ensure the home spa is personal sanctuary where you can expose your raw emotions as you ask Jesus to help you deal with them. If you do not have a space in your home that you do not share with anyone, schedule to use whatever room is available as your personal sanctuary when your housemates are not using it.

2. Add a table to your at home spa where you can store your Bible, prayer books, self-help books, inspirational books and motivational books within easy read.

3. Add a CD rack
where you can store your meditation CDs, CDs of soothing relaxation songs and your favorite praise and worship music.

4. Bring speakers into the home spa so that you can listen to soothing songs and mediation CDs as you relax in there. 

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.