Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities Part 8 Exercise & Fast

1. Exercise aerobically
Aerobic exercises clear your mind and increase the release of endorphins which are the body’s feel good hormones. 

2. Weight bearing exercises
If you enjoy lifting weights, you can spend a few minutes engaged in this Home Spa Day activity since these exercises demand your total concentration and take your mind off your stressors.

3. Have a news fast
Don’t listen or watch the news from any news channels as it a source of stress.   

4. Have a mail fast
Don’t check your email or postal mail on your Home Spa Day. 

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and
 visit Christian Home Day Spa.

Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities Part 7 Watch, Hobby, Eat & Read

1. Watch comedy
Schedule a clean comedy hour to indulge in a fun Home Spa Day activity as you watch DVDs of your favourite comedians since a merry heart is just as good as medicine (Proverbs 17:22).   

2. Complementary hobbies
Spend around an hour indulging yourself in this fun Home Spa Day activity as you engage relaxing leisure pursuit that you enjoy pursuing and that complement your job so as to annihilate stress . 

Eat spa cuisine
Consume petite healthy meals and snacks throughout your Home Spa day. Your spa day cuisine can include slices of fresh fruit and raw vegetables, whole grain sandwiches and dark chocolate desserts. 

4. Read
Reading is a effortlessly relaxing Home Spa Day activity. You can read your Bible to receive instruction in wisdom, justice, judgment and equity. (Proverbs 1:2-3) 

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.

Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities Part 6 Listen, Bond, Celebrate & Bask

1. Listen to music
Music has the power to pacify, soothe and raise your spirits. Therefore, tune out your stressors by listening to slow tempo tunes.

2. Bond
Bonding through sharing is another emotionally strengthening Home Spa Day activity. Therefore, take time to bond with your loved ones since two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor and if one falls, their companions will lift them up. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10) 

3. Celebrate
Consider celebrating your bond or concluding your spa day with this fun Home Spa Day activity. Bring out the chilled fruit juice and toast yourself to a fruitful future.

4. Bask
If the weather permits, apply sunscreen and head off to enjoy the sun’s rays since exposure to sunlight increases the levels of serotonin in your body which imparts a feeling of calmness, relaxation and emotional well being. 

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.

Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities part 5 Drink, Nap, Stretch & Praise God

1. Drink
Sip healthy drinks such as pure water, soothing chamomile tea, fresh fruit juices, yummy yogurt and comforting chicken soup throughout your Home Spa day to keep you well hydrated. 

2. Nap
Take a powernap whenever you begin struggling with drowsiness during your spa day and you will wake up refreshed. 

3. Stretch 
Stretching exercises are a perfect Home Spa Day activity because they help muscles relax by reducing stress induced muscle tension. 

4. Praise God
Towards the end of your spa day, schedule time to sing since singing reduces tension and helps you relax. Singing praises is even more potent for it can break your stressful chains like it did for Paul in Acts 16 because God is enthroned in praises. (Psalm 22:3) 


For more information on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Spa Day Activities.