1. Prayer
Praying is a perfect activity for a Home Spa party for even Jesus departed to a solitary place to pray. (Mark 1:35) Therefore, depart to a solitary area to pray privately for a few minutes.
If you are perplexed by problems, ask Him what you should do like Paul did (Acts 9:6) and He will point in the right direction for His word promises us that if we lack wisdom, and ask God, we will be given the wisdom we need. (James 1:5)
If you have yet opened your heart and life to Jesus, this is also the perfect time to do so for He wants to come in and help you manage your stressful situation for He says, Look, I am knocking on the door and if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him. (Revelations 3:20)
So open your heart and life to Jesus by turning away from your sins and declaring that Jesus is Lord and believing that God raised Him from the dead and you will be saved. (Romans 10:9) Let Him in and He will give you His peace for He assures us that in Him we may have peace but in the world we will have tribulation. (John 16:33)
2. Aromatherapy Baths
Taking a warm bath can help you relax for the warm water loosens stiff muscles.
Up the ante by adding a few scoops of scented bath salts and bath oils with relaxing lavender essential oils to the bath water to calm tense minds and wash way dirt and distress.
Boost the tranquil experience by bathing in the warm glow of beeswax candles while listening to soothing background music as chamomile essential oil diffuses in the room.
Conclude this awesome Home Spa Day activity by wrapping yourself in comforting body creams to rejuvenate your skin and soothe your psyche for Ointments and perfumes delight the heart. (Proverbs 27:9) If you are pregnant, consult an aromatherapist before using essential oils.
Adapted from Rules of Relaxation.