Christian Home Spa Party Day Activities Part 7 Watch, Hobby, Eat & Read

1. Watch comedy
Schedule a clean comedy hour to indulge in a fun Home Spa Day activity as you watch DVDs of your favourite comedians since a merry heart is just as good as medicine (Proverbs 17:22).   

2. Complementary hobbies
Spend around an hour indulging yourself in this fun Home Spa Day activity as you engage relaxing leisure pursuit that you enjoy pursuing and that complement your job so as to annihilate stress . 

Eat spa cuisine
Consume petite healthy meals and snacks throughout your Home Spa day. Your spa day cuisine can include slices of fresh fruit and raw vegetables, whole grain sandwiches and dark chocolate desserts. 

4. Read
Reading is a effortlessly relaxing Home Spa Day activity. You can read your Bible to receive instruction in wisdom, justice, judgment and equity. (Proverbs 1:2-3) 

For more info on Home Spas read How to Create a Christian Home Spa and visit Christian Home Day Spa.